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Moorland birds

The moorland birds of East Lancashire are resilient and hardy, adapted to the harsh upland environment, and offer a hauntingly beautiful soundscape with their distinctive calls echoing across the heather-covered hills.


Dotterel birds are small, migratory birds that are often found in high-altitude tundra habitats. During breeding season, male dotterels display striking plumage and engage in elaborate courtship displays to attract females.

Golden Plover

The Golden Plover is a medium-sized wading bird that belongs to the family Charadriidae. They have beautiful golden and black plumage and are known for their distinctive whistling call.

Meadow Pipit

The Meadow Pipit is a small passerine bird that is found in meadows and grasslands throughout Europe and Asia. They are known for their high-pitched, descending song and their habit of performing a fluttering display flight during courtship.


The Skylark is a small brown passerine bird that is known for its beautiful melodious song, which is often delivered while soaring high in the sky. They are found throughout Europe and Asia, and are often associated with open grasslands and agricultural fields.


The Stonechat is a small passerine bird that is found throughout the UK and Europe. They are known for their striking appearance, with males having a black head and white collar, and for their distinctive call, which sounds like two stones being tapped together.


The Wheatear is a small passerine bird that is found in open habitats such as moorland, grassland, and coastal areas throughout the UK and Europe. They are known for their distinctive white rump and black eye stripe, and for their habit of perching on rocks and fences while hunting for insects.

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