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Woodland birds

Woodland birds in East Lancashire are abundant and diverse, providing a treat for bird watchers and photographers alike.

Great Spotted Woodpecker

The great spotted woodpecker is a striking bird with black and white plumage and a distinctive red patch on its belly. It is a resident bird in East Lancashire and is often heard tapping on tree trunks and branches in woodland areas.


Jay birds are part of the crow family and are known for their intelligence, mischievous behavior, and impressive memory. They are often seen in woodlands and gardens, where they feed on acorns, nuts, and insects.


Nuthatch birds are small and agile with a distinctive head shape and a slate-blue back. They are known for their ability to move headfirst down trees, thanks to their strong toes and sharp claws.

Pied Flycatcher

The pied flycatcher is a small migratory bird that breeds in woodlands in the UK and other parts of Europe. The male of the species has striking black and white plumage, while the female is duller in colour.

Spotted Flycatcher

The spotted flycatcher is a small, unassuming bird that breeds in the UK and other parts of Europe, and is known for its insect-catching abilities. It has brownish-grey plumage with spotted underparts and a distinctive white eyebrow.


The treecreeper is a small, brownish bird found in woodlands throughout the UK, known for its distinctive habit of creeping up tree trunks in a spiral pattern in search of insects. They have a long, curved bill and strong toes that allow them to cling to the bark of trees.

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